Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thoughts on Allegatins of Sarah Palin's Abuse of Power Al

Can you say, "drunk with power?" Having grown up in a small town much like Wisaillia, only in rural Michigan, I have a pretty good idea of who Sarah Palin is. The "elite six," of which Palin was top-dog, described by Time Magazine sound a lot like a small town version of "Heathers." People who are big fish in little places sometimes have an arrogance, even meanness the betrays every folksy stereotype of "small town values." I told my husband the moment she was picked to just wait and see what those small town people think of her and say about her. There is no privacy in small town America, and I'm betting everyone in Wisaillia knows about this woman, the good and the bad. If there are any skeletons in her closet, it will be hard to keep that closet closed. I loved my small town and the many kind hearted people in it, but I was also glad to leave it behind because there was a Sarah Palin or two that I just couldn't bear any longer.

I guess John McCain and Sarah Palin do have something in common, a little mean-spiritedness and apparently governing judgment ruled by temper instead of temperance.

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